Physical Description & Relationship With Humans


Physical Description

The body covering of a Bottle Nose dolphin is a skin that is highly specialized, hydronamic and smooth as patent leather. This allows them to glide through the water with ease. The weight of these dolphin ranges between 419 and 573 lbs. Their size can be between 8.2 and 8.9 ft. Some extraordinary traits are their methods of finding prey. They use high pitched squeaks, and clicks to locate their prey in the water.

Relationship With Humans

Bottle Nose dolphins are intelligent animals and with their seemingly friendly & playful attitude have made them very popular in the human culture. We watch them preform at places such as Sea World, and we even swim with them from time to time. Humans are very fond of dolphins and have a loving relationship with them.  Although some people that have and undefined sadness about seeing these creatures in captivity. How many have asked themselves if these animals, who are possessed with awareness and emotion, are suitable for this life in captivity. Do they notice the difference between captivity and the ocean? Do they miss the ocean? In the long run, we can't decide whether captivity is good or not for these animals. Our focus should not be on where they are living, but on protecting the environments in which they live. Whether it be captivity or not.